Friday, August 11, 2006

Fine Cookware Sets the Stage for a Great Meal

There never seems to be enough time in the day. Downsizing means that companies expect employees to put in longer hours and traffic congestion makes commutes longer. Added to that, families with children juggle school, homework, and a myriad of activities ranging from sports practice and music lessons to church youth groups and academic competitions. While weekdays pass in a blur, families are increasingly setting weekend time to enjoy each other and entertain friends. The home is indeed a haven for those leading too-busy lives, and the kitchen becomes the hub of weekend activity.

A considerable part of that activity involves preparing great meals. Even when your weekday meals consist of microwavable edibles or take out, the weekend is a time when your culinary arts can shine. Whether you're preparing a meal for your family or for a dozen dinner guests, fine cookware lays the foundation for a great meal. Whether you choose copper cookware, nonstick cookware, or stainless steel cookware, quality should be your first priority. Fine cookware ensures that heat is evenly distributed and that lids fit tightly on reinforced pot rims to lock in nutrients.

The importance of quality carries over to the kitchenware you choose. Granite and marble accessories are not only beautiful, but they also set the stage for excellent food preparation - especially when you're working with pastries and chocolate.

A meal, however, consists of more than the food that's served. The dinnerware you choose, the appearance of your tabletop, and the people who come together to share the meal are as important as the gastronomical delights. Your everyday dinnerware will certainly suffice for any meal, but why not pull out the fine china for weekend dinners? Unfortunately, most people reserve their fine china for holidays, and the pieces spend the rest of the year hidden in a cupboard or displayed in a cabinet. Fine china is special, but so are weekend meals with family and guests. Using your fine china on a regular basis will generate a greater sense of appreciation for your tabletop, and will encourage everyone - especially the kids - to use their best manners.

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